Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Roasted Pork Loin in Plum Sauce

Here's another simple roasted pork loin recipe of mine. When the pork loin is cooked this way, the meat just melts in your mouth and a little drizzle of plum sauce just makes this meal complete...gives it a nice tang and sweetness to the pork! Simply delicious...

Pork Loin
Chopped Garlic
White Wine
Worcestershire Sauce

Plum Sauce

Marinate pork loin overnight in white wine, Worcestershire Sauce and chopped garlic. Heat oven at 375 degrees F. Place pork loin in a dutch oven and pour over the marinade sauce. Bake in the oven for about an hour and a half or until internal temperature hits 165-175 degrees F. Add baby carrots in the dutch oven with the pork loin 10-15 minutes before it's done baking. This will cook the carrots just right...nice and tender!

Heat plum sauce in a small saucepan with a little butter.

When pork loin is cooked, slice them up and drizzle over some plum sauce. Serve with carrots and Parmessan Encrusted Cauliflower Cream...hmmm...yum...yum!!!

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